
Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 11

So, it's been a while.  I hate that it has.  There have been a few interesting developments in my life since the last post.  Mardi Gras has come and gone and the season of Lent is upon us.  In observance of Jesus' life, death and resurrection, I've given up anything white, basically just rice, pasta, bread and potatoes.  I must say I'm loving it.  I never really cared one way or another for rice, pasta or potatoes, now I just feel good when I say that I can't eat that. :)  Hey, simple pleasures, right!  I've cheated like twice, I've had a couple of packets of saltine crackers with my Wendy's Chili on a couple occasions, but I'm okay with it.  I have spoken to God and he has forgiven me. 

I am beginning to understand the draw of goals.  I like there being an end in sight and results along the way.  This is no new concept for other people ...especially some in my family... ;p  and I really have begun to see the light.  I have two of these tunnels at the moment.  One is the season of Lent with Easter as the moment of re-assessment, where I'll design a new goal and new set of rules, maybe even up the antie.  The other is a class "project" if you will.  I have my Senior Recital on the Wednesday before Good Friday and I have practiced every day so far since I started my goal, but I did actually FORGET to practice yesterday.  It is okay.  So, I play the horn and the lips are an important part of the production of sound, (not sure if you knew that) and on Tuesday after band, I busted my lip open WITH my horn, go figure.  The lump has gone away, leaving the busted skin.  It's not gross, you don't look at my face and say "EW, Stephanie, what happened to your face?!"  but I feel it for sure, especially when I say "at," (and rhyming words like that) when I laugh, when I smile and when I even drink and lick my lips.  Ouch.  Well, I'm keeping it hydrated with various lip balms and I will surely keep you posted on my lower lip's progress on its quest of healing. 

Tomorrow, I'll come back and talk about childhood dreams.  You may want to refresh yourself on Disney movies, childhood folk songs and Amelia Bedelia before then, ok.  Ready, set, GO!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 10

“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

I've been thinking a lot about the idea of home today.  I've been wondering what makes any place a home or makes a place feel like home. I think it comes down to a feeling.  I think that feeling is happiness.  That happiness may come from being around people that make you happy, like may also come from being where you can do what makes you happy.

I am a strange person that likes change.  I think challenges you, makes you create new strengths and more importantly, makes you become yourself each new thing you try/do or take on.  Changes aren't fun, it's no fun to come out of your shell, to trust people to like you as you are, but something good always comes from it :)

I don't like decisions, I'm afraid to offend other people, or to (heaven forbid) make the wrong decision!  ;)  I also don't like indecisive people...not "don't like" them, but it sure bugs me!  If I'm the most decisive person in a group, woah, there are some issues.  You're welcome for the random...BUT my point is (another you're welcome for those that know how good I am at tangents, hehe) that those who are good decision makers, those that make a decision, stand by it no matter what and do what they want to do...I look up to you!  Rock on!

Never give up, and good luck will always find you.

In the beginning, it is always dark.
-The Childlike Empress

(The Never Ending Story)

Go with change, embrace it and you will find your calling, your place, and most importantly...YOURSELF.